Monday, May 31, 2010


Xchanging (LSE: XCH), a large, fast growing global business processor, announced today that it has extended its relationship with UCO Bank, a leading Indian bank, to implement mission critical disaster recovery solution for its most business critical financial telecommunication infrastructure.

View more at

Thursday, May 27, 2010

GanttChart for ClearQuest

CM-Consult Company is pleased to announce the release of special license packs that include:

- licenses for the most popular CM-Consult products (GanttChart for ClearQuest, ProjectTracker,UML2ClearQuest) at a big discount.

- one year of advanced technical support that allows you to get consultations of CM-Consult specialists and help in configuring ClearQuest Schema for effective use of GanttChart for ClearQuest and ProjectTracker.

Read full press release at

(1888PressRelease) CM-Consult Company is Pleased to Announce the Release of Special License Packs that Include Most Popular Products

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Back pain

Back pain is a serious issue and taking lots of people in it. The main cause is how you seat and how you sleep?

Bad habit of watching tv while sleeping, rolling chair seat and not taking the support can worsen the situation.

Try to have little exercise every day which will make sure you muscles do not get tighten.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Marriage is a wonderful thing and its made in heaven. Just trust your partner and understand each other, thats key for any successful marriage life.

Thanks to my beautiful and caring wife for making my life such a heaven.


ngaged couples seeking eco-friendly wedding ideas

Green Bride Guide, the most comprehensive and credible resource for engaged couples seeking eco-friendly wedding ideas, products and services, announced this week the launch of its new green wedding gift shop and registry service. From non-toxic cookware and recycled wine glasses to earth-friendly fine china and organic cotton textiles, the shop features hundreds of eco-friendly home goods. It is also the first store to offer free carbon-neutral shipping with every purchase.

Green Bride Guide Launches Green Wedding Gift Shop & Registry with Carbon Neutral Shipping

Source: (1888PressRelease)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Wake up

The world is beautiful.. Just have the eyes to see those positives around you and you will start getting the best view and time of your life.

Wake up and open the eyes

Wake up

The world is beautiful.. Just have the eyes to see those positives around you and you will start getting the best view and time of your life.

Wake up and open the eyes

Wake up

The world is beautiful.. Just have the eyes to see those positives around you and you will start getting the best view and time of your life.

Wake up and open the eyes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Global Warming

Global warming is getting the headache now for all of us and we are the one who needs to fight against it.

Save Water
Save Energy
Plan Trees

Small things will make difference so start the contribution now.